As of late there has been local Burglary attempts in and around Denbigh,Ruthin and Denbighshire Area, These are the times we are living with, It doesn't cost a fortune to secure your home and property and take some FREE advice on security. Denbigh Locksmiths can advise and help you protect and secure your home to a reasonable level to deter the unthinkable. Thousands of homes are fitted with sub standard locks to entry exit doors and windows, Please take some time to look at these. Many insurance companies are refusing to cover properties without a set level, Just because you have UPVC doors and numerous locking points this does not mean your safe, its all controlled by the lock cylinder. Below are substandard cylinder fitted in and around many homes today, fitted because of low cost and profit and lack of knowledge on how to fit locks Below are Anti-snap British standard cylinders and handles, Denbigh Locksmiths only fit British Standard locks throughout my services
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